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Holistic Counseling

Holistic counseling is an integrated approach that draws on a number of counseling models and techniques chosen specifically to meet individual needs. 
This type of counselling focuses on the person in their whole experience. The treatment approach considers both the psychological as well as the physiological and views the body, mind and spirit as an interconnected whole. 
The goal of holistic counseling is to empower the individual seeking treatment to discover their own inner wisdom and find a healing capacity within themselves. In addition, the holistic counseling journey supports the individual to find significant personal growth and self-discovery. 
Based on her own journey and experience Audrey has a particular interest in working with individuals who are seeking help with: 

  • Clarity, direction and meaning in their lives 

  • Mental health: Stress, anxiety, grieve and depression 

  • Relationship issues 

  • Transition into motherhood 

  • Wellbeing: looking to embrace a more balanced,

  healthy and meaningful life 

  • Women’s health and empowerment

Some examples of the approaches used:

  • Holistic Counseling approach 

  • Energy healing and Bach Flowers therapy 

  • ·Emotional Freedom Technique 

  • ·Concepts of Yoga and mindfulness 

  • Elements of Systemic constellations

  • Psychotherapy

  • Trauma Informed approaches

  • Self enquiry and noun dualism framework

Group Work and Coaching

Group work and circles aim to bring together individuals to share their experiences, learn from each other and apply guided techniques of mindfulness, peer work, reflections, art therapy etc. 

The goal of group work is to generate powerful breakthroughs, create a safe space to learn and help individuals to come to realisations that can assist them with personal struggles.  

In her sessions she will help you: 

· Know yourself how you got here, your unique strengths and weakness 
· Understand your patterns and limited believes 
· Find clarity in your personal and professional life 
· Build your self-belief, confidence and courage to live the life you want 
· Establish a positive and grounded mindset and stop unhealthy overthinking 
· Develop more satisfying and authentic relationships 
· Learn how to become more balanced, calmer and able to make healthy decisions 
· Understand your unique values and strengths. 
· Bring a sense of well being and ownership into your life 
· Help you to keep things simple and sustainable 
· Become more aware of your life purpose 
· Setting goals that are true to you 
· Create a plan to active your goals

Bach Flower Therapy

In this session, we will discuss your needs and I will develop a flower essence remedy to target those specific needs. 


Bach flower essences (remedies) form a part of alternative medicine. They comprise a therapeutic system that uses dilutions of flower essences developed by Dr.Edward Bach to balance physical and emotional disturbances. In the world of flowers, Dr. Bach found resonances of the conditions he found in his patients. He believed the right essence can help to bring back the patient to a positive, happy condition. Dr. Bach distilled the essence of certain flowers, and choose the right ones for the state of being of a patient. 

Dr. Bach knew, that the human being is more than a physical body. The human being incorporates a body of life energy, a body of sensitivity and feelings, and a spiritual body. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants. Dr. Bach believed that the flower essences interact with the subtle bodies and so can help people with physical illness by addressing the emotional responses to their illness. 

There are 38 original Bach remedies plus 'Rescue RemedyTM' (First Aid, Five flower remedy), each prescribed for certain mental and emotional problems. They form a complete therapeutic system. Practitioners treat every variety of human emotional imbalance with the 38 Bach flower essences.

Australian Bush Flower remedies therapy

Flower remedies are an ancient art and have been benefiting many cultures since the dawn of humanity.
At Australian Bush Flower Essences, each remedy range will harness the power of nature's single flowers, and an expert knowledge to combine their strength and provide you with remarkable healing solutions that are safe for the whole family, adding balance, emotional health, and wellbeing.

Flower Essences are produced by imprinting a flower's unique vibrational healing signature onto the carrier solution and are used to treat imbalances at a higher level, bringing about emotional and spiritual balance and well-being in the whole person.

The Australian Bush Flower Essences assist in a number of ways and include but are not limited to, calming, grief, trauma, woman's and men's health issues, babies and teen behavioral issues, pregnancy, anger, sadness, grief, memory, post operative rehabilitation,study/focus.

They have no side effects or negative effects whatsoever and are self-adjusting to the needs of the individual taking them. Occasionally the symptoms for which the person is taking the remedy can become more intense for a day or two. This is part of the healing process and in fact is called a healing crisis.


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